The Self Love Collection | Handmade Nest Co. . Learning how to love yourself



Written by Breine Critcher 2/1/2020


       Hey guys! Let’s take a moment to talk about what loving yourself means. No, I don’t mean when you go get your nails done, or buy that outfit so that you’re ‘feelin yourself’ on girls night out and posting all the social media selfies. I mean the moments you take to reflect inside your own head, to maybe journal your thoughts, or take a yoga class because it relaxes you. I mean the spiritual connection you feel within yourself. Today I want to speak about my new line called ‘The Self Love Collection’ and to hopefully inspire readers to take the time to truly love themselves from the inside.

One of the main things that inspires us to speak about something is to say ‘I’ve been there’. I was sitting at my kitchen table one day reflecting on a bad personal relationship that I’d let bring me down for way too long. No, not with my husband. But one that had made me constantly feel guilty for standing up for myself, that walking away wasn’t an option, one that caused many emotional outbursts for no reason and kept making me ask myself “How are you any different from them?”. And that’s when the light bulb went off! 

After making some conscious choices I can say that I feel my inner light glowing that much brighter. Through practice (and much, much patience!) I’ve realized that fighting to be in something that doesn’t feel good is not the answer. If you’ve ever heard the saying ‘You have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else’ I can attest to that! Having the love that I have for my husband and kids is so much deeper than what I put them through because I wasn’t putting myself first. 

Since I can remember, I’ve always expressed myself through art. Now I won’t say that I’m a ‘Self Lovin Pro’ but I will say that experience has left me so inspired to use my words in the hopes to help anyone who needs a little pick me up on their personal journey, or to the ones that say ‘I’ve got this!’. Below Ive attached my own personal meaning to each photo, but I hope that you will find your own personal meaning after reading each sign.

I Found Me

When it feels like you’ve been through hell and back it can leave you scarred, almost blistered with so much life experience. If you’ve heard the saying ‘God only gives us what we can handle’ then you know that the blisters and scars build the character inside that makes you ‘YOU’. After everything- I Found Me.

I Woke Up Today

This one is so universal because each reader will have their own definition behind it: I didn’t take my own life today, I opened my eyes to change for the first time, I finally see the truth, I am blessed to be alive- whatever you’re meaning is, it’s yours. Own It!



If you’ve ever seen the movie Yes Man then you get it! A man that said no to everything and lived a life in his own misery has a truly eye opening experience when he says YES to everything. Saying yes means you are open to change.


Celebrate The Simple

A hand crafted and hand carved boho style wood sign to promote self love

Being happy with small changes lights the way to the bigger picture. No one said you had to be perfect today!


I really hope this not only inspires you to live your best life, but to ask yourself- “How are you any different from them?” Separate yourself from the rest of the illusionists and find your inner self love-because you and your life are worth it!


My favorite quotes on Self Love-

“ Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.“- Lucille Ball


“Inspired people help inspire people”- The Art of Joy Podcast


“Decide what kind of life you actually want. Then say ‘no’ to everything that isnt that”- Original source unknown. Got from Tiffany Myers @barbell.momma


“You get to decide, right in this moment, that nobody can drain you- and that you have access to an unlimited supply of universal energy” - ‘Manifest Now’ a book written by Idil Ahmed

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